Obedience Training

The first step in creating a harmonious home, and getting rid of unwanted behaviors, is to help your dog understand, and comply with, some basic commands.

Each dog is unique in how they learn and understand these commands.

At Adaptive Dog Training we'll take some time to learn what training methods your dog will respond to, and we will use that information to teach your dog the following commands:

Sit Command

Down Command

Come Command

Place Command

Heel Command

Leave It Command

This is a six week program, with 2 lessons per week.

We'll teach and reinforce each command.

And we also provide lessons for you, as well as progress videos, with explanations that will help you keep your dog on track with you guiding him.

Now Just $1195 or 2 payments of $625.

Remember, we're going jump start the process of getting rid of unwanted behaviors, and replacing them with desired behaviors.

That way, your dog will have the structure it craves.

And you'll have the peace and harmony you want in your house, or where ever you take your dog.

Everyone will be happier!

And by the way, there's zero risk that your dog won't perform these commands.

I have a Results Guarantee!

If your dog won't perform any of the commands by the end of the program, I'll keep working with them until they get it.

Have questions?

Get them answered on a FREE Evaluation Call


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Results Guarantee

You will get complete results.

If your dog won't perform any of the commands consistently,

I will keep working with him until he does.


Kendal has been a great addition to our home.

Finding someone trustworthy to come to your home when you aren't there to take care of your anxiety ridden dogs is not an easy feat.

Check her out!

-Karen S - Syracuse

Kendal is an awesome human!

I totally vouch for her as a dog professional and person!

-Christie Leigh R - Syracuse

Kendal has helped me from afar. Josie is very reactive to other dogs and has a lot of fear.

Working with Kendal remotely, I've been able to learn how to help Josie calm down and feel more at peace. She's a much happier dog, and I'm a much happier doggie dad!

Thanks Kendal!

-Keith P - Murfreesboro, TN

Kendal Leigh trains my dog. He is a rescue and needs TLC! She is so patient and good with him.

Helped him get over his fears.

-Cheri Y - Syracuse

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Proudly Serving Syracuse, NY and surrounding areas.

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